Lubegard Complete Synthetic Power Steering Fluid - 32 fl. oz.

    LUBEGARD Synthetic Power Steering Fluid is the high quality service solution for ALL European, North American, and Asian Vehicles (Honda fluid is recommended for Honda/Acura vehicles). This fluid is formulated with a superior base synthetic oil and a proprietary additive package that includes 2 patented technologies: Synergol TMS and LXE. Together these technologies provide the most advanced anti-wear protection available. Synergol TMS is the first non-active, phosphorous-free surface molecule composed solely of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It contains no other toxic, corrosive, metallic or polluting elements. As an extended life anti-wear material, it extends far beyond normal power steering fluid in safeguarding system components. LXE (Liquid Wax Ester) has a molecular structure that allows unsurpassed heat transfer making LUBEGARD Synthetic Power Steering Fluid the most heat stable power steering product sold.
Brand: LubeGard
Part Number: 27511
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  • The service solution for ALL European, North American, and Asian vehicles (Honda fluid recommended for Honda/Acura vehicles)
  • Reduces friction and protects seals and hoses - extending the life of the power steering system
  • Provides excellent cold and high temperature performance eliminating "morning sickness" stiffness
  • Excellent for use in electric hydraulic systems
  • Cleans and frees sticky turbines and pumps

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