Shipping Information
How does my order ship?
- We ship orders either by FedEx or common carrier. Next Day Air Delivery is available at an additional cost, just ask your Service Champ Team Member for assistance.
- Every effort is made to ship your entire order to you on the day it was ordered. When an order is received after 12:00 PM (in your tome zone), it is not always possible to ship the entire order that day. In some cases, we will ship whatever we have completed to you on one day, and the balance the next business day. In doing so, you receive product as soon as possible. Please note; this will result in your order being delivered on consecutive days by FedEx. In this case, your packing slip will be in the last box delivered on the second day. For your convenience, carton content labels are located on the inside flap of each shipping carton listing its contents, and can be used as a daily packing list.
Where does my order ship from?
- Service Champ operates four Distribution Centers located in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Texas and California. Your order ships from the Distribution Center closest to you. If we are out-of-stock of an item(s) in the one closest to you, the item(s) will likely ship from the next closest Distribution Center. The maximum number of shipments you will receive to complete your order from Service Champ is two.
- If you are receiving two shipments from Service Champ, the packing slip on the order from the Distribution Center closest to you will inform you as to what items are coming from the next closest Distribution Center.
- As you can see from the sample packing slip, you also benefit from a page listing what items are in each shipping box from Service Champ. This is helpful if you need to get something quickly from your order. There is no need to open every box to find the item(s) you need.
When can I expect to receive my order?
- Most of the country receives 1-2 Day FedEx Delivery from our four strategically located Distribution Centers.
- For example, a center in Chicago ordering on a Monday by noon should receive their Service Champ order on Wednesday from our Indiana Distribution Center. If any items shipped from our Pennsylvania Distribution Center, which is the next closest to Chicago, that order would arrive on Thursday.
- * Important - FedEx does not count Saturday, Sunday or national holidays as delivery days.
Do I pay for shipping?
Orders of $350 or more ordered at one time and shipped to a single location are shipped freight prepaid by Service Champ. If we ship your order from two different distribution centers, Service Champ still pays all of the freight as long as the total order is $350 or more.
If your order is below $350, the freight cost will be added to your invoice.
What happens when an item is out of stock?
- We maintain over $11,000,000 in inventory and utilize a sophisticated, customized inventory tracking program. The result is an order fill rate which averages 98% over the period of one year.
- If we are out-of-stock on an item(s), the backorder is cancelled and should be re-ordered on your next Service Champ order.
What happens if there is a mistake on my order?
- All orders are pulled by a trained Service Champ Team member AND double-checked by another trained Service Champ Team Member with an electronic bar-code scanner. While we maintain a high level of accuracy, mistakes will occur from time to time.
- Simply contact the Service Champ Customer Care Team (Extension 3) and inform them of the error. We will either issue a credit memo OR make a freight prepaid shipment of product to correct the problem.